Continuous Improvement with Agile, ITIL & Lean.
In this article, I'll lightly explore continuous improvement using Agile, ITIL and Lean. Continuous improvement with Agile Agile is more than just a modern software development process, it is having an agile mindset (or to demonstrate agility for your customers' dynamic needs). While the Agile Manifesto outlines four (4) values, it is principle 12 that highlights Agile's focus on continuous improvement. Principle 12 states " At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly " (Principles behind the Agile Manifesto, n.d.). Retrospectives are one instrument that Agile provides to check the health of your service delivery and identify improvement opportunities. Held at the end of a sprint (time boxed interval of enhanced product delivery), the retrospective gives stakeholders an opportunity to reflect on: - what went well for the sprint (to repeat it again), - what didn't go well (to ...